Umpire Equipment and Dress

Umpire Equipment And Uniform

Required Equipment for Base/Field Umpires:

Indicator:  Base Umpires require either a 3-way or 4-way indicator with them at all times

Black Running shoe:  Any type of black or dark running or cross-training shoe


Plate Umpires Equipment:

Indicator:  Base Umpires require either a 3-way or 4-way indicator with them at all times

Steel Plated shoe:  Any type of black shoe with a steel toe and top foot protection

Athletic Supporter:  A must for when the Umpire is working the plate

Chest Protector: A firm, well fitted chest protector must be worn underneath the jersey at all times

Leg Guards: Leg guards should cover your knee to your ankle and have an extra protective piece to further cover the top of your top of your foot. These should always be worn underneath your pants

Mask: The mask must be single or double bar with an extra throat extension for better protection


Umpire Uniforms:

In umpiring, your appearance is the first thing that players, coaches and fans see.  It is imperative to always "look the part".

Please see diagram for examples of the proper uniform for the umpire.

Note: For local umpires, numbers on the sleeves are NOT neccessary or even recommended.

Black jerseys with white trim are now the official colors for Baseball Alberta umpires, though navy jerseys are still acceptable. You may see more experienced umpires wearing other colors such as cream and powder-blue jerseys. These jerseys also normally have the Baseball Canada crest and are worn by Level 4 and Level 5 accredited National umpires

(Image credit to Baseball Ontario, please ignore the reference to Ontario)

Umpire Dress Code

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