2024 AGM Meeting Minutes

MINUTES - Annual General Meeting - Cold Lake Minor Ball 2024

Wednesday March 27, 2024 - 7:30 PM at the Energy Centre Meeting Room upstairs by Arena 2

Order of business

  1. Called to order at 7:33 by Evan Aasen
  2. Introductions - Beginning with current Board of Directors, followed by attendees
    1.  Evan Aasen - President
    2. Natalie - Equipment
    3. Kendra Toporowski - Rally Cap 
    4. Greg Duma - Cold Lake Slo-Pitch
    5. Al Brand - 
    6. Kevin Teshier
    7. Kate Epp - Softball Coordinator
    8. Tristan Seitz - 
    9. Candace MacFarlane - 
    10. Matt Macfarlane - 
    11. Derrek Michaud - Umpire Director
    12. Steve Forster
  3. Approval of the minutes of the last AGM.
    1. Kendra approves the minutes of the last AGM
    2. Seconded by Derrek
  4. Review of the 2023 Financial Statements
    1. Motion to approve Matt 
    2. Seconded by Natalie
  5. Review of the 2024 Budget
    1. Approval of the budget by Derrek
    2. Kendra seconded the motion
  6. Unfinished business
    1. None to review
  7. President's Report and goals for CLMB
    1. Completed by Evan Aasen
  8. Directors Reports 
    1. Rally Cap
      1. Kendra presented her report for the 2023 season.
    2. Baseball
      1. There were no representatives from Baseball in attendance, the report was given by Evan Aasen.
    3. Softball
      1. Kate Epp presented her report for the 2023 season.
    4. Rep
      1. Derek Michaud presented the report for the Rep ball coordinator.
    5. Umpire
      1. Derek presented the report for the Umpire Coordinator.
  9. Bylaws report
    1. There were no updates for the bylaws report, other than the Executive is working on it and hopes to table something by the fall of 2024.
  10. List of open positions and nominations
    1. Vice President - Matt Macfarlane
      1. Nominated by Derek Michaud
      2. All in favor
    2. Secretary - Candace Macfarlane
      1. Nominated by Kendra Toporowski
      2. All in Favor
    3. Rally Cap Director - Kendra 
      1. Nominated by Natalie Hamilton, 
      2. All in favor
    4. Registrar / Website - No nominations, duties to be absorbed by the executive board.
    5. Softball Director - Kevin Teshier
      1. Nominated by Kate Epp
      2. All in favor 
    6. Youth Baseball Director (9U/11U) - No nominations, duties to be absorbed by the executive board
    7. Junior Baseball Director (13U/15U/18U) - No nominations, duties to be absorbed by the executive board
    8. Umpire Coordinator - Derrek Michaud
      1. Nominated by Steve Forester
      2. All in favor
  11. Set Date for 2025 Annual General Meeting
    1. March 25, 2025

Open questions from the floor:

  • From Al Brand - Discussion about the Nelson Heights Ball Diamond - Paula Elock will support Minor Ball with taking over this diamond in its entirety. motion to make a sub-committee for the development of the diamond near Nelson Heights
    • Sub - committee
      • Diamonds - Al Brand - 
      • All in Favor
  • Greg Duma - AGM a month ago - president of slow pitch
    • Mr. Duma extended his support to the minor sports program, and has provided us an opportunity to fundraise during his tournaments.
  • Adjourn the meeting - 8:38 - All in favor

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